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"Grace flows most refreshingly, 

through the faucet of brokenness."







[The Virtuous Woman] will resonate with the woman that wants to do things the right way, but is clueless as to how to do things in a divine manner. It will also resonate with men that are praying for a great woman and give them insight on what a great woman actually looks like in the non-physical realm.

As Christian women, Proverbs 31:10 has seemed to be an almost impossible standard to live by. Possibly because we don't understand the context. Tabitha sheds a new age understanding. This is a "must read"for women of God who seek to redesign and realign their lives based upon the truth of God's Word.


I give this book 5-stars. I wish that every woman could have the opportunity to read this book. When reading I felt joy, and before I knew it tears were flowing. This book speaks to how a virtuous woman should be- trusting in God, being obedient and most of all walking i


In The Press


My name is Tabitha Sheppard and I am on a mission to uplift God's people and lead them into the Kingdom of Heaven. Outside of working in the medical industry for over 7 years, I am an author, motivational speaker and founder of Anointed By Grace Ministries, a ministry committed to bringing hope and healing to the lost, brokenhearted and those who have experienced deep sorrow.  


Having overcome hurt, abuse, set-backs and disappointments, I now fight against the very things that kept me bound. In retrospect, life has given me more experiences than I could ever have learned in any classroom!

May you be empowered by my journey and inspired to embrace what it means to be consumed by His amazing grace. 


Serving Faithfully,  


" Grace changes everything."


News & Events

Anointed By Grace Ministries caters to the lost, the broken-hearted and those that have experienced deep sorrow. The ministry focuses on promoting the sound instruction that the Bible gives and praying God's promises back to Him. 


Anointed By Grace Ministries produces literature in the form of books. These books are inspired by God, for He is the true author; and are designed to shed light on some of your darkest areas and bring peace, a renewed mind, inspiration and motivation to your life.  


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